Sunday, March 28, 2010

So terrible about updating

Okay, so February has come and gone and I am now looking at the end of March. I realized I had, once again, been terrible about blogging, but the truth is, we have been busy playing!

So, more bullet points (sorry) and still no pictures (sorry). I do have a new computer, but I have yet to install the camera software. Anyway, I'll get on with it!

  • We started the month with P.'s science fair. He decided to see which would evaporate faster, hot water or cold water. He placed his money on the hot. Turns out, he is right! We were so proud of his hard work. He came up with the idea all by himself; he designed his board all by himself; and he wrote it all by himself. He was awarded a participation pin and ribbon. His dad and I were a bit disappointed to see that the projects that parents obviously helped with were awarded places. We kind of felt like it encourages kids to be dependent and robs them of their own "genuis" and creativity. Of course, we never said this to the boy, just told him over and over how proud we were of his efforts!
  • K. and M. finished gymnastics with their "shows" and Uncle Johnny was there to watch too! He came into town for a few days before M.'s birthday and the kids (as well as Kevin and I) had a great time. He was a good sport too, as it was a VERY unusually busy week. We had K's Valentine's Day party; then the gymnastics shows; P's Valentine's Party; plus the usual running around. It was nice to have the help, let me tell you!
  • M's birthday party was a blast! My mom and dad, brother (duh). sister and her family, and Kristen and her husband came, along with Kevin's mom and dad. We had a full house, as everyone crashed here. With the Olympics on and tons of cousins to run around with I'd say everyone had a great time. We did a mystery dinner which was a riot! Kevin's Dad said he could not remember the last time he laughed as hard.
  • The party was fun for the M'ster, too! She was showered with tons of her favorite toys and had Gabba cupcakes to boot. I think she ate 4 all on her own that day!
  • We hosted supper club at the end of the month and enjoyed that too. We decided to have a Happy Chinese Mardi Gras party...goofy, I know, but turned out fabulously!


  • We have had a fairly unbusy month compared to the last. Kevin was gone to his regional convention the first week in March and for the second year in a row was awarded the highest sales honor possible. So, looks like we will be heading to Maui for our 10 year anniversary...thanks Merck!
  • P. celebrated St. Patrick's day by bringing treats to school, since he doesn't get to do so on his real b-day. The kids thought it was a fun treat and all had green lips from the food coloring. Larry the Leprechaun made several visits to the house that day and drove the kids nutty! They made a trap...which he sprung and then escaped from, but not before he left "gold" for each of them. Their sandwiches and pancakes ended up in the shape of shamrocks and all of our drinks turned green all day long! It was fun to watch them hunt and check out any little noise. (note to parents: green food coloring is not fun when changing diapers!)
  • Which brings us to now. K. started soccer this weekend and she loves it! She was told she was a "tough cookie" and she was. Every time she fell, she bounced right back up. She even split her lip, but never cried and got right back in there. Maybe she inherited some athleticism from her aunt. God knows I have none! P. starts t-ball on Thursday and he is pretty excited about this too. Now begins the running, as P. has practice on Thurs. and Sat. and K. has practice on Thur. and games on Sat. We don't know when his games are yet, but I can't wait to watch him play.

So, that catches us up. This here is one tired mom of late. I have been trying valiantly to not feel as if I have to be all things to all people, but when you are the parent of three small children, you are their everything, so it gets to be a tough balancing act. As all of you moms know. I am going to make myself a cup of tea and grab a book while they are all finishing their quiet time in an effort to relax! Enjoy the updates. I will keep posting when I can!