Monday, August 25, 2008

M. is ready to move!

I am attaching a pic of K. in her Sunday finest. She is in desperate need of a hair cut (hard to believe), but we couldn't get her in until this coming Thursday, so we have been using a lot of "prettys" these past few weeks. In this photo she reminds me so much of Aunt Kiki!

M. has figured out how to get herself up on all fours. She can rock back and forth, but every time she moves a knee forward, she tips herself over. It is simply a matter of time before she gets it all figured out. Then watch out world here she comes!

Speaking of the world, last night at dinner K. demanded that we all stop talking. After we stopped, she told us ,"I am in charge of the world." That about sums her up at this age. Kevin called her Mussolini for the rest of the night.
P. had his first soccer game on Saturday and the team did really well. They seem to have retained some of the skill from the spring. P. even scored a goal! As with all Fall sports early on, the weather did not cooperate and it was about 90 degrees at 10am. Miserable!! The kids were all hot and sweaty and P. laid low the rest of the afternoon with a mild fever. He bounced back by dinner time, though and played several animated rounds of Wii play with his Dad.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wii Got It!

That's right! After three months of saving everything he got (and begging here and there), P. saved enough to get his Wii. After we got home from church I called our Target to see if they still had one (they have for the last three weeks). Of course, they did not. I then proceeded to call every Target, Sams, Gamestop, Best Buy and Toys-R-Us within a 25 mile radius. No one had any. A mild panic began to set in and Kevin and I wondered how this would play out. We decided to try one last Toys-R-Us by the mall and they had 5!! Kevin and P. jumped in the car and drove there straight away. They returned an hour later with the Wii and a few accessories.

It has been fun for all involved. Kevin has been making Miis a lot and I have been playing beach volleyball. My neighbor could see in my front window from her porch the other night and she asked me at the bus stop what I had been doing jumping and waving my arms around. (Bigger issue is that you can see into my living room from across the street!) K. is even learning to bowl. Thank you to all who contributed to the fund! very appreciative!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

P.'s first day of school is today! He was greeted at the bus stop by the rest of the neighborhood kids and they had a great time checking out new backpacks and new shoes! He was so excited to get on the bus (and it was about 15 minutes late due to it being the first day).

P. got on the bus like a pro! He sat with a neighbor girl and put that seat belt right on. Just like preschool, he got right on and never looked back. Mom and Dad then raced to the school to get there to take his picture when he got into the school.

Here he is walking to his classroom. He has a few hallways to walk down from where the bus drops him off, but he remembered that he has to walk past the library and the gym before he gets to his room.

He went right into his room, hung up his backpack, and sat right down at his table. He started right in on the worksheet his teacher had put there. We all kissed and hugged him goodbye and left the building. We will be anxious to hear how the first day was when we pick him up from the bus!
K. is a bit lost this AM, as he is not here to play with and pester, but, as with all things I am sure she will get used to it. She may soon realize she gets more attention when he is not here!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Indoor Picnic and Sitting Up

Due to the sweltering heat, we have been confined indoors until early evening (no escape to Chicago this year). It is wearing on adults and children alike, so we are coming up with some creative ways to not drive each other nuts. Yesterday was indoor camping day. To go along with the "theme" we ate lunch picnic style. The kids each made a bologna face (a favorite around here). We took pics as they were proud of their edible creations! Enjoy!! (The kiddos certainly did.)

M. is sitting up now! It happened all of a sudden. She has been leaning forward in her highchair, swing, stroller, etc., so we thought we'd see what she could do if we sat her on the floor. As you can see, she does pretty well! She is still using her hands for support, but she is moving right along. I cannot believe she will be six months old next Friday (I can't believe P. starts school next week either).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer is winding down

We realized that orientation for school is this Friday and school starts in 2 weeks! Where did the summer go? I am sure this is a question we will be asking ourselves for years to come. We had a busy week with storytimes, playdates, library trips, and free movies to see. We all went to dinner on Friday night with our two of our neighbors to a wonderful Thai restaurant. The kids were adventurous and tried a bite of everything (we ordered everything in a Thai restaurant is not something any of us are up for!)

I got some shopping done during our tax free weekend (gotta love it!), so now everyone is outfitted for the upcoming year, including mommy and daddy. We, of course, spent some time at the pool this weekend as the heat continues to beat down. We are expecting record highs again tomorrow and Tuesday. Kevin pointed out that 100% humidity , as mentioned in a previous blog, would be rain. (I understand this. I was taking dramatic license to illustrate how hot and muggy it was! )
P. continues on his quest for his Wii. He sold some items on Ebay this weekend and he is now merely $80 away from his goal of being able to purchase the system. He is not above begging for cash at this point so watch out! Our neighbor offered to pay him 25 cents a weed to weed his flower bed, but this was not appealing to P. He prefers the high tech Ebay route! We are really proud of him though for saving as much as he has. I cannot wait to see his little face when we walk into the store to buy the Wii and he pays for it himself. I may even remember to bring the camera!
Kevin and I finally went through the last of the boxes in the basement (it has been over a year since we moved in). We did some major sorting and took quite a load to the dumpster and still have quite a bit for our neighborhood garage sale this fall. We had a few laughs through it all, especially as we unearthed things from our high school days. Anyone want a Second Runner Up sash from the Miss Antioch Pageant? I think I am done with it now.
We are cramming a few more outings in before school starts, so I'll update with pics from those outings (supposed to hit the zoo and a baseball game this coming week).