That's right! After three months of saving everything he got (and begging here and there), P. saved enough to get his Wii. After we got home from church I called our Target to see if they still had one (they have for the last three weeks). Of course, they did not. I then proceeded to call every Target, Sams, Gamestop, Best Buy and Toys-R-Us within a 25 mile radius. No one had any. A mild panic began to set in and Kevin and I wondered how this would play out. We decided to try one last Toys-R-Us by the mall and they had 5!! Kevin and P. jumped in the car and drove there straight away. They returned an hour later with the Wii and a few accessories.
It has been fun for all involved. Kevin has been making Miis a lot and I have been playing beach volleyball. My neighbor could see in my front window from her porch the other night and she asked me at the bus stop what I had been doing jumping and waving my arms around. (Bigger issue is that you can see into my living room from across the street!) K. is even learning to bowl. Thank you to all who contributed to the fund! very appreciative!
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