P.'s first day of school is today! He was greeted at the bus stop by the rest of the neighborhood kids and they had a great time checking out new backpacks and new shoes! He was so excited to get on the bus (and it was about 15 minutes late due to it being the first day).
P. got on the bus like a pro! He sat with a neighbor girl and put that seat belt right on. Just like preschool, he got right on and never looked back. Mom and Dad then raced to the school to get there to take his picture when he got into the school.
Here he is walking to his classroom. He has a few hallways to walk down from where the bus drops him off, but he remembered that he has to walk past the library and the gym before he gets to his room.
He went right into his room, hung up his backpack, and sat right down at his table. He started right in on the worksheet his teacher had put there. We all kissed and hugged him goodbye and left the building. We will be anxious to hear how the first day was when we pick him up from the bus!
K. is a bit lost this AM, as he is not here to play with and pester, but, as with all things I am sure she will get used to it. She may soon realize she gets more attention when he is not here!
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