I realized that I can still post happenings even if I don't have any pictures to accompany the posts. P. has been in school for a full month now and he is loving it. If you ask him, he will tell you his favorite times are gym, lunch, and recess, so apparently things haven't changed much since I was in school! K. started preschool on the first of this month and she is in heaven. She has already made some new friends and she got to bring home the story bag already, as well. She only goes twice a week, but if she had her choice, I think she'd be there every day. M. has been talking more and more. One of her new words is "football" and when she says it, it is often accompanied by a belly bump or a tackle. She may be the only one in our family big enough to play the game!
Soccer season is also in full swing and they have won two/lost two. P. is learning a lot about sportsmanship! K. and M. have started gymnastics once a week. K.'s class is without the mommies and M. has to have mommy there with her. She is mastering the art of walking in circles currently, but she loves to run around on the mats! K. will finish her class with a "show" and then we will get to see all that she has been working on.
Kevin has the basement 98% finished (he has a few things to do behind the bar and that is it). The space is totally livable and we have been enjoying moves on the new tv and mommy likes the new toy room too. It is a wonderful addition to the house and I can only imagine that we will get so much more use out of the space as the years keep coming.
Trying to keep everyone healthy this fall, too. There are a lot of kids at P.'s school with the flu...rumored to be swine flu, but I do not know for sure. Either way, we have been stressing the importance of hand washings and just hoping that we don't get the flu of any kind.
Spent two weekends ago in Cleveland at my cousin's wedding and the kids had a great time. Firday night was an Indian's game and they had a blast with all the give aways and stadium food. The wedding was beautiful as was the reception. As always, it was great to see everyone.
We are going to try and get to the apple orchard this weekend. We tried to go last weekend, but we got rained out, so hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can get out there. We have some applesauce and apple cakes to make!
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