Monday, May 25, 2009

Basement Update

Here are the latest pictures from the basement remodel. The first photo is taken as you come down the stairs. There used to be a door on the left, but Kevin knocked out the walls and opened up the stairway in both directions. If you turn to the right, you can go into the kid's toy room and to the storage area. If you turn left, then you head into the tv/ bar area, and the bed and bathroom are also to the left.

The photo of the bar (the half walls) is taken as if you were standing in the tv room. We have yet to install cabinets (they are ordered) and we have to add the wood panels to the bar, along with countertops. The door to the right is the bathroom door. The room with the holes in the wall is where the tv and couches are going to be. The view is as if you were standing at the bar.

The last photo is of the tiled shower in the bathroom
Kevin and a neighbor have been hard at work finishing that job. We hope to have the shower and the bathroom floor, along with the bar floor done by next weekend. (Fingers crossed!)
We are really very pleased with how it is coming along and are very excited to get it done! Kevin says he plans on hosting a halfway day party to christen the new space...dare i say mark your calendars?

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