Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kindergarten Graduationh

P. graduated from Kindergarten today. Much to our surprise, both Kevin and I got a little choked up after it was over. Seems like just a short time ago he was a little guy and now he is going to be in first grade! He did a great job singing the songs (reluctantly) and he is looking forward to the rest of the week. He has field day tomorrow; a school picnic on Thursday; and a PTO carnival on Friday. We will be at the school every day this week to help out and K. is just as excited! Mrs. Hale (in photo above) was a wonderful teacher and P. LOVED being in her class. I think he is going to miss her next year!

The Mini Gourmet

M. is going to give P. a run for his money in the foodie department. Last night for dinner, among other things, I made (reheated rather, as it was from Trader Joe's) a mushroom and black truffle flatbread. Neither P. nor K. would come within 50 feet of it, but M. kept pointing at it and saying "more, more." We finally gave her some, fully expecting her to take one bite and spit it out. We were completely in shock when she not only swallowed the first bite, but ate the entire piece you see in the photo! And the joy on her face...I too like black truffles, but didn't expect them to elicit such a response from a 15 month old! She has exquisite taste!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Basement Update

Here are the latest pictures from the basement remodel. The first photo is taken as you come down the stairs. There used to be a door on the left, but Kevin knocked out the walls and opened up the stairway in both directions. If you turn to the right, you can go into the kid's toy room and to the storage area. If you turn left, then you head into the tv/ bar area, and the bed and bathroom are also to the left.

The photo of the bar (the half walls) is taken as if you were standing in the tv room. We have yet to install cabinets (they are ordered) and we have to add the wood panels to the bar, along with countertops. The door to the right is the bathroom door. The room with the holes in the wall is where the tv and couches are going to be. The view is as if you were standing at the bar.

The last photo is of the tiled shower in the bathroom
Kevin and a neighbor have been hard at work finishing that job. We hope to have the shower and the bathroom floor, along with the bar floor done by next weekend. (Fingers crossed!)
We are really very pleased with how it is coming along and are very excited to get it done! Kevin says he plans on hosting a halfway day party to christen the new space...dare i say mark your calendars?

Latest Doings in the Lynch Abode

Here's K.'s "new" hair-do, I was at work and Kevin dried her hair while K. brushed it and the end result is above. When Kevin asked what she thought about her hair K. replied, "I look like Mommy." Needless to say, I am getting my haircut next week.

M. has figured out how to climb up on things and one of her favorite spots is the couch. They were all snuggling the other night watching a cartoon and I don't think there are three cuter kiddos anywhere (I am biased, of course).

P. has had a great time this soccer season! He has done a great job and the entire team is much improved. They have actually only lost one game this season. He loves to play defense and gets VERY excited when he steals the ball or stops a shot on goal. It has been fun to see how much they have all improved since their first season. K. can actually start soccer this fall if she wants to (and from the way she talks I am guessing she will want to play!)
M. and K. have also started to work together (a little bit). K. got herself a snack out of the pantry and left the door open so M. could get her own, as well. I don't think M. could have stuffed more in her cheeks if she tried! She was so proud of herself too.