We had a wonderful time at my mom and dad's house this past week. We celebrated Thanksgiving with my parents and my siblings. Turkey Day was full of games and awesome food!! (Thanks mom!)
Friday my mom and I got up around 4:30am and hit the big sales. We had such a great time finding some deals and getting exactly what we had gone after. We thought there were going to be some things we couldn't find, but in three separate instances, we found what we had gone for tucked away where it didn't belong. Kevin even scored a new Garmin! We got home around 8am and headed down to the city to see Santa. K. was the first one to walk right up and tell him what she wanted. K. wants "An alive baby, bitty baby, and an ariel dresser" (Translation: Baby Alive, Bitty Baby bedding, and an Ariel Vanity) Santa was a bit surprised by the "alive baby" request, but he will manage to come through I am sure! P. was a bit more subdued, but when Kevin told him it was his big chance, he piped right up and said he wanted, "Legos and Batman, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars for the Wii." Again, I am sure Santa (and grandma) will oblige! After the Santa visit, the boys shopped a bit and we then headed to an awesome English Pub for lunch.
We headed home Saturday night and we drove through rain most of the time until we were about 30 miles from home when it turned into snow. When the kiddos woke up the next morning they were SO excited! K. keeps telling us it is Christmas because there is snow on the ground. They went outside with Daddy right after breakfast and made a snowman! Of course, they had to have hot chocolate when they came in! We are going to put up the tree tonight and I can only imagine that K. will barely be able to contain herself. (She helped my mom decorate their tree and I am surprised it did not fall over as there were about 15 ornaments on each branch!)
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