Sat. afternoon found us at a local town fair. There were free activities for the kids and we went not expecting much, but being pleasantly surprised. There were pony rides and K. was so excited. She has been asking to ride a pony for about 4 months now (granted she wanted to ride a pink one). She got all decked out in her pink cowboy boots and everything. She LOVED it! Of course, she jumped right on...she even took the bigger of the two ponies. Later as we browsed the booths at the fair, she and P. got some masks from the movie theatre promoting, Space Chimps. I about wet my pants laughing so hard. Reminds me of the monkey mask John used to have!
M.has finally got her first tooth! It is on the bottom left and it has been causing some trouble these past few weeks. I feel like she has been living on Tylenol. But, it finally broke through yesterday! She also has learned to shake her head "no" (mimicking her sister). Kevin and I were saying that she is really starting to show us her personality. She is definitely becoming her own person and we love it!
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