We had a great and busy weekend! Saturday found us at our usual soccer game. The coach was on vacation so Kevin filled in. P loved that and said that he was going to score more goals with Dad as the coach because Dad had a louder voice than Coach. Needless to say, P scored only one goal, but we are still just happy he likes playing the game and he's having fun doing it.
After the game, I went to a baby shower with some of the neighbors. It was a beautiful day for the shower, as it was outside in a courtyard of a historic bed and breakfast. The food was wonderful, as was the company, and I was introduced to a new French bakery that makes amazing cakes! (I took the kids there on Monday for breakfast and decided I am going to order the Strawberry cake from them for M's baptism in June. I can't even put into words how truly delicious it is). I did include a pic, so you can all drool over it!

After we got back from the shower, we had a graduation party for our neighbor who completed his MBA. They just finished their patio, complete with a fire pit. It is the ultimate party yard! To top it off, they rented a bounce house for the kids. A great time was had by all!! Especially Kevin, who rolled in around 2:30am. P was so tired from all of the festivities, he was falling asleep while brushing his teeth.
After church on Sunday, we went to a neighbor boy's birthday party at The Little Gym. K was in heaven doing her "'nastics" again, and has been begging to go back every day since. I am sure we will be doing gymnastics again this fall since she seems to enjoy it so much. She has no fear and the higher she can climb/ jump/ swing, the better. Maybe we have a future gymnast on our hands.
Kevin had his back surgery yesterday morning and we got him home last night around 9:30. He is doing really well and has been up and around this morning already. The kids and I are headed to my mom and dad's house for the rest of this week so Kevin can recuperate in peace! Have a great week. And Michelle, I promise to try and get a pic of me up here soon...you are probably the only person who wants to see me instead of the kids and I love you for it!
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