Friday, May 28, 2010


I have finally figured out my new computer and have begun downloading photos and videos!

K. had her last soccer game last night and I was able to get some video of it. She has loved playing this spring and desperatlely wants to play again in the fall. We think she's pretty good at it too. P.'s baseball is in full swing and he is really enjoying that as well. His last game he got two hits and two runs...more importantly he was not tagged out (he HATES to be tagged out.)

Summer has officially started, as all are done with school now. We are looking forward to our long weekend at my mom and dad's house and the NU reunion on Saturday. Crazy, but I have not seen some of these girls in two years...way too long, but glad we are going to be able to get together. After we return, it seems hard to believe but we will be heading to Disney just 5 days later! We have a countdown on the chalkboard in the kitchen and I think we are all getting excited to go. Can't believe summer is here, but SOOO happy to have this time with the kiddos. Look out pool, here we come!