I just realized I never had the chance to update the blog in awhile, so here goes. A brief run down of the past few weeks: M. was baptized on June 22nd. She cried when she was doused with the water, not because it was too cold, but because it was too warm. There is a Jacuzzi pump that filters the water and it has a heater. I am not kidding when I tell you there was steam rising up off the font.
My mom and dad got the rest of the house painted the week after birthday/ baptism and it looks amazing! Thanks mom and dad!
What else has the Lynch family been up to? A trip to the zoo for the Dinoroarus exhibit and a picnic dinner (much fun was had by all). We were joined by our friends, Josh and Beth, who also had a blast with the kiddos. M. had her shots and check-up on the 30th of June. She was in the 100% for both height and weight and has outgrown her pumpkin seat. She has mastered the art of rolling over and now is trying to scoot places, so we are back to the phase of removing anything she could choke on from the toy room. P. is pretty good about this, but K. doesn't like it too much, as she thinks she should be able to do whatever she wants, wherever she wants.
P. had his Kindergarten physical on the 1st and he got 4 shots, plus a TB test. Not a fun day for the boy. He was a trooper and came out of the experience with two new Imaginext toys and a lunch at Red Robin (yum).
My Aunt and Uncle stopped for a visit on their way to KC. We had a great visit, as always. The kids loved having the company and they especially loved the trip to Dairy Queen!
P.'s actual b-day started off with a fishing trip with Dad and Uncle Richard. He caught a large mouth bass that was about a foot long. What a great start to his day! He then went to the pool to meet his buddy, Jaxin and we brought cupcakes for all to share. We then went home and he played with Daddy and made aliens with his new alien maker. Chuck E. Cheese was the selected spot for the birthday dinner. P. had a great time playing the games. We were cracking up at k. as she seemed to think that putting the tokens in the machines was playing the games. She would drop a token in and walk away to do another one. Kevin and I would try our best to keep up! P. started following her around so he could use her token to play the game. It was some great "team work". P. ended up with 200 some tickets (which means we ended up with some more junk from China...hmm, I think some of it was lost already...wierd).
P. said it was the best day of his life!
My cousins stopped in for an overnight stay on their way to KC on the 3rd. We played a little Rock Band, drank a little beer, and caught up on how we all were doing. It was so great to see them!
We headed to KC for Layton's first b-day party over the 4th of July weekend. We spent the 4th with Kevin's sister's family and his mom and dad. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins. We spent Sat. doing a little shopping in Lawrence and K. loved seeing all the Jayhawks everywhere! We then went to Layton's party in KC and had such a good time there, as well. Layton was head to toe birthday cake and K. was all about helping him, as she was licking the side of the cake closest to her. Jordan thinks we are in for it as she gets older (he should know, right?)
Which brings us up-to-date. We are headed to Indy this weekend for Ellis' baptism. My grandma should be there and it will be the first time she has met M. I am excited to introduce the two of them to one another.
Quick kid updates: M. is eating cereal and has tried pears (didn't like), applesauce (liked), and sweet potatoes (didn't like). She recognizes her own name now and is really engaging other people a lot. We love this stage!
K. is full of energy and crazy ideas. We haven't had any full body A&D applications, or Mr. Bubble slides of late, but we have had plenty of streaking. She loves the pool and would be content to spend all day there, everyday!
P. is also loving the water more this summer. He and his friends have discovered the thrill of playing Marco Polo and Sharks and Minnows. They love racing for dive sticks, too. He drives his car every night and loves taking the neighborhood girls around the block.
I love summer nights and the way the kids smell like sunshine. I love eating ice cream or popsicles at dusk and watching it drip down the kid's arms. I love eating cold watermelon after a hot day outside at the pool. I love how after a hard day of play, everyone falls into bed and sleeps just as hard as they played, only to wake up and do it all again!
I will post some pics as soon as I have more downloaded. We are terrible about remembering to bring our camera most places, but I do have some new photos and I will try to get some up next week.